It’s a human obsession to want everything immediately, we are racing against time, but time is only an illusion created by man.  Rushing things in life will only bring disappointment or where it produces results, just a shadow of what is possible.   "Time is an illusion". – ALBERT EINSTEIN -

Think about when you boil the kettle to make tea.  If you don't wait for the water to finish boiling - it won't be warm and you won’t enjoy a flavourful cup of tea.  Each goal will take place in its own time.  Some may become reality faster than others; it just depends on how much needs to be done to make it happen.  Many goals require a complete change of lifestyle and others, years of training, or relocation, however it’s not only a question of waiting but also maintaining a good attitude.  Becoming successful is a privilege and must be earned.  It’s not something that we deserve because we had a hard life or because we were born with less than others.

“The timeless in you is aware of life’s timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream.” - KHALIL GIBRAN -

Having dreams is important, planning and putting things into action is part of the process, but stepping back once in a while will enable you to jump further.  Starting a business or a new career will take time to yield the success you crave.  Becoming successful in just a few months is unrealistic as it takes time to build, like a wall, one brick at the time.  It’s why so many people give up before seeing results and swiftly return to their comfort zone.  If you don't give time to time, you'll only receive a little.  Be patient with a positive attitude and believe that all your hard work and sacrifice will be rewarded one day and it will materialise before your eyes; probably when you expect it the least; your harvest time will come.

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.” OPRAH WINFREY – 

Patience is virtuous in other ways too.  It has the power to heal.  

People argue all the time and whatever their relationship to each other, misunderstandings can be damaging.  Time will heal the broken pieces, and sometimes it’s the only remedy.  

Time really can mend your heart and bring you peace of mind.  It’s pointless to bear a grudge, the negative emotion is with you, not the subject of your emotion so in the end you’ll only end up hurting yourself. 

Your love for your dreams, and the discipline you’ll develop to achieve them will attract the right people and situations to you.  Walking the path towards your goal requires patience, devotion and love, and for these reasons only some become successful.

Simply ask yourself these questions: how much do I want it?  Am I willing to sacrifice my time?  Put my social life on hold?  Endure backwards steps in order to move forward?  Or, to struggle financially?  If you can answer yes to all of these questions then you’re ready to start your journey.  But remember, success will take its sweet time so always be mindful of that.


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