There is no return in life, no way back to the past and no delete button. This is why it is so important to appreciate every moment and make decisions that please ourselves. No one knows when our time is up, but we often forget that we aren't forever and some of us spend too much time contemplating life's misfortune.

I have realised that it is important to find pleasure in all the little things.
How can we enjoy bigger gifts and experiences from life, if the little things aren't appreciated. The more positivity you see around you, the more life will serve you with positive experiences. What happens between your ears is the life experience you will get.
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln -

No matter what your ambitions, aspirations, background, beliefs or origins, life is there to give you what you want, but it won't be easy. We are all tested from time to time so try to keep the right attitude; you will receive once you surrender to life; you must connect with it, heart and soul, in order to live the life you want. You must forget approval and validation of your choices from others, as you might get it, but if you don't? What then? You won't do what you love? Think again... You might be a bit lonely but that's only until you find people truly like you, and you will! You just need to tune onto the right frequency in your mind!
I have learned in life, that we should accept other people's ways or stay away, we don't have to believe in the same things and live the same way, we should just accept them as they are. We are all unique.
Some secrets of life are to accept who we are and other people, to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes and to learn from them, to love ourselves and the people that appreciate us, and to reserve judgement, always. We should enjoy every little thing in life and fulfil our destiny by doing what we want! It's no good to live your life for others, no one gets a second go!
Which person do you want to be? The one who gets old and keeps thinking "If only I...", or the one who thinks "If I die tomorrow, I'll leave this world happy because...".
Most people don't listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply. So don't spend too much time explaining yourself to people that are only willing to misunderstand.
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