YOUR MIND. Your best friend or your enemy?

Do you feel like you cannot escape your mind? The negative parroting of the same things over and over again, keeping you fearful and limited.  Let me tell you one thing that the parrot isn’t telling you, none of it is true. You just need to learn how to control your mind and keep it positive and rational.

Meditation is one of the ways and another is counselling.  They’re both efficient methods, however you must be dedicated as your mind will fight change, you’ll probably think something like -“You don't need to see anyone, you’re not crazy!”  Or, “You look so stupid in the lotus position, forget about it and watch TV.”

"You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind."  - Joyce Meyer -

Your mind’s biggest fear is change, it will try to convince you it won’t work, or that it’s too risky, or its number one excuse to stop you: what will people think? But it’s just fear, a fiction of your imagination, you just need to tell it that everything is going to be fine, I want to try this and I believe in myself. 

It is important to understand that the mind is primitive.  And, like anything primitive it needs to be tamed and developed in order to live a good life.  Once we gain control of it, it becomes a powerful ally with incredible abilities, just ask life’s high achievers.  Most of our negative thoughts are related to our past actions and mistakes, let’s call them life experiences; the judgement of others and the taking of risks to better our lives.  A weak mind will repeatedly ask itself the same insecure questions and may continually make bad choices.

“We deal with our mind from morning till evening, and it can be our friend or our worst enemy.” - Matthieu Ricard -

The fear of being alone with our thoughts is one of the reasons millions of people become workaholics, to avoid their mind working against them, they try to always stay busy.  It’s a coping mechanism that is very common. We try to forget our worries, our fears and our disappointments, by keeping busy to drown it all out. To a certain extent being active is a good way of diluting the negative thoughts, but it’s only a temporary solution, as eventually something would need to be done. We cannot bury our regrets and doubts forever, they will eventually resurface in your our minds, and the longer we wait, the harder it will be to deal with.
Seek professional help in order to find closure on what ever your personal demons might be.  Help yourself move forward, you are not perfect, just human.  We all face difficulties in our lives; no matter if we are rich or poor, young or old, female or male.

Life will make it difficult at times so we can learn something through the experience, but that’s to enable us to move onto our next chapter – so be patient, find the strength and don’t be too hard on yourself.

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”  - Bruce Lee -

Unfortunately many can't see their way out of their mindset and situation.  They reach out for extreme alternatives to escape it all, and it often doesn't end very well. These people have simply lost hope. No situation is hopeless; your will and determination to overcome your doubts and fears will guide you, it is an inside job. Believe that you can turn things around, because no one can do it for you. 

Here’s a little secret, the mind can only hold one thought at the time so when a negative thought enters your mind, start doing something else, distract yourself; watch a comedy, read a book, call a friend, play upbeat music, temporary distractions are the glue between now and the time you gain control of your mind.

“There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstances of your life can change!” - Rhonda Byrne -  

Many people experience the same feelings and fears. Our mind will sometime tell us lies, where as our heart and guts cannot lie or be corrupted. That’s why it hurts so much when we don’t listen to either; neurologists have proven that when it comes to our moods, decisions and behaviour, the brain in our head is not the only one doing the thinking but our guts too (our second brain). 

- We are born with only two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise. Any other fears were acquired through life experiences. - 

Don’t let your problems and your way of coping with negative thoughts dictate how you live your life.  Don’t bury what is evident to you.  Remove it, or deal with it, as you will be missing out on an amazing life.  If you decide to let go of what you can’t control, you will instantly be a happier person, that includes family, other people’s judgements, what tomorrow will bring, how long you’ll live; basically anything you have no control over – Let it all go.


READ NEXT: Honesty



    1. Thank you for your comment Bebe. Wishing you a wonderful life.

  2. Replies
    1. Hey Maria, Thank you for stoping by and making the comment: "I have no problems!" I've deleted it by mistake, my apology! I wish you a wonderful life filled with solutions and problem free.
