Everything is weird! Have we switched dimension? Perhaps CERN should stop smashing atoms. The energy is dense. People are depressed. Fear is on the rise. The world has gone mad. We are living in strange times. This year is shit! A few of the opinions I have heard from people I have spoken to since the beginning of this outbreak. 

Many have lost their jobs, numerous companies have closed down, heaps of people are in financial trouble, our social lifestyle and daily routines disturbed, our desire to travel overseas restricted, our need for closeness suppressed. Our right to breathe freely outlawed and our every move scrutinised through our phones. Fear has contaminated millions of minds. But should we quit? No way! We are HUMANITY and just like the saying goes: “They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds”! 
LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, GOD, NATURE, whatever you want to call it has tossed a stick in the ants’ nest. But instead of standing together, we’re being divided. Social distancing is one thing, but what is it doing to our lives and our trust in each other? Most governments are failing to handle the current crisis with efficiency and love. The measures put in place to save the elderly and people at risk are medieval and ineffective. Trying to catch the invisible man is not all fun and games but is fear and limitation necessary -- is chaos really the answer? 

“Turning on each other is not a game we want to play!” 

This virus is real and you might, or might not, catch it. However, this is not the first time humanity has experienced such a thing and it won’t be the last. In 1918 we had Spanish flu, in 1997 bird flu, in 2003 SARS, in 2009 swine flu, and in 2012 MERS -- all causing many deaths. But, the 14th century faced way worst with the black death which caused a death toll of over 75 million or half the population of Europe. Did we stop living then? No. COVID deaths are approximately one ten thousandth of one percent (0.00001%) of the global population! More people have died of flu and pneumonia than of COVID this summer! 

The only way to face this outbreak is together and united! Life must be revived, love and hope must be bigger than our fears. This virus is challenging us to be in better shape, better health, have better minds, live better lives. So get in shape now, not tomorrow – do it now! Don’t wait for the new year to make a new resolution. Add supplements to your diet, refrain from eating junk, work out, spend more time outdoors, dose up on fun, so your mind and body become a shield of health. You need to laugh and love more, as they’re the best medicine to heal any infection you might face. The stronger you are, the higher your chances of facing this virus head-on with no problems. 

We need trustworthy people, from scientists to politicians, to take a stand and tip the balance back towards freedom. Locking people in their homes is not the answer. A home should not be a prison or a grave! More humane methods exist to protect us all and maintain our freewill to live life fully. 

Humans are designed for motion. We must engage in a huge number of physical activities throughout the day as this is tremendously important to the survival of our species. We must keep on living life but keep caution in mind. Perhaps this crisis is a good reminder for basic hygiene, to wash our hands frequently, and sneeze in a tissue or in our sleeves. We should always respect other people’s space. However, we shouldn’t live in a disinfected bubble 24/7, as we need bacteria to build up our immune systems. Research says that the immune systems of our ancestors were strengthened by a multitude of microbial interactions. Now, there aren’t enough, the immune system will start to age making it more likely that we’ll have a huge response to a simple allergen, let alone a virus. 

 “Sterilising your home like a hospital could lead children to have a severely hyper sensitised immune system leaving them open to allergies and asthma. Many think that all germs are bad, this is not true. Most will stimulate your immune system and make you actually stronger”. 
Prof Gilbert says. 

The last 6 months have been tough on so many people and far too many have lost hope. The fear of what tomorrow might bring is on many peoples lips, and our governments are changing the rules far too often depriving us of stability. It feels like we’re playing Simon says! Enough damage has been done to the world’s economy and people. The astronomical debt that has been created for future generations to pay is unacceptable. This carnage must stop as the consequences are tragic for too many people. Alcohol consumption has increased during lockdown due to stress, and anxiety and depression have spiked, pushing many countries into a mental health crisis. But what did we expect? Taking away people’s freedom is ripping them away from their life’s purpose and destroys their will to go on. 

“Drugs, alcohol, or any other form of dependency won’t help you, as you wake up the next day your life’s challenges are still there. The result is continuous damage to your body and mind. The disbelief that you cannot overcome your current situation by yourself is just a story you repeatedly tell yourself, you can choose to change your story.” 

We’ve all felt the dense energy all around us. The negative vibrations can be sensed even by less sensitive souls, repressing positivity and hope. For those who are sensitive and feel deeply - it’s unbearable. Nevertheless, we must believe that we have what it takes to help each other towards positivity and brighter days. We must look after ourselves in the best way possible and keep hope on our horizon. Put your oxygen mask on before helping others. You are no good to no one if your heart is broken, or your mind is tuned to pessimism, and you have given up on tomorrow.

Small things can help, wear light perfumes, as scent is processed in the olfactory bulb which has direct connections to the amygdala and hippocampus. These parts of the brain provide emotional reactions and memories. Smile at people who cross your path - facial expressions have an impact on our feelings. Wear clothing or bags with encouraging messages - we’ve all heard of synchronicity. The right person will read it at the perfect time. Your mind is an incredible receiver and will tune into the right vibes if you just decide to open up to the impossible. Speak with people you love as often as possible - keep in touch! Say "I love you" more, we’re so constipated with those words, yet we need to hear them more than ever. Say “I love you” to the people you love every time you see them. Say it and mean it, the words are precious as they magnify the energy of love within. We shouldn’t wait for the first signs of the apocalypse to express our love to our loved ones.

"Time waits for no one."
- Yasutaka Tsutsui -

If you are blessed to have positive people around you, who have faith that this world chaos will pass, cherish them, uplift them, we need more of those souls around us. Pessimism isn’t the way forward, the media are doing a marvellous job with their headlines, feasting on this pandemic like vultures on a carcass, layering fear through speculation. How about focusing on how many have survived? How many caught it but had no symptoms? I guess good news is for Care Bears, it doesn’t fit the harsh and cynical world of grown-ups. ‘News’ is a business, and like most businesses they need to make profit. Stay away from the negative headlines. Instead do some research and make up your own mind, find the middle ground. Think for yourself! 


It is said that our incarnation is no accident. Theoretically, we choose our time in the history of humanity to experience life. Let's face it, this incarnation is quite something. Some of us feel they have a specific purpose. It may sound insane, but it’s a strong feeling for many. This incarnation has a vibration opposite to matter, it affects the planet and the human body. Many souls are feeling drained and unmotivated at the moment. Is the SHUMANN resonance to blame? Possibly as it’s thought that the SHUMANN resonance has an effect on the human bioregulation, and it has increased to 7.83Hz. 

Have we really crossed to a new dimension? The spiritual people of our time say we’re moving into a new dimension. A crazy concept to get your head around but our reality is weirder than science fiction! Just listen to quantum physicists or read about the Higgs Boson. You might blast a few neurons! Individuals who are sensitive to the ‘subtle worlds’ are picking up information, feeling very strong emotions, and at times unbearable sensations. Dolores Canon wrote a book called "The 3 Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" describing what we’re experiencing. We are all harmonising to Earth’s new dimension, the 5th dimension. Are we perhaps coming to the end of a cycle? The end of the material world? The end of capitalism? The transmutation of our governments? I believe so. 

The vibes we are currently experiencing are tuned towards forgiveness and compassion. "I don't just think about me", "I move towards love", "I help others". For those who are not aligned with these vibrations yet, the frequency of the heart, they might have a rough time, their body may not take the constant resistance and misalignment. Everyone needs to work on their fears and traumas. 

Many feel the opening of their chakras. This can raise some deep emotions to the surface such as being overly critical of self or others, isolation, lacking empathy, demanding of others, feeling abandoned, losing a sense of personal boundaries, and sleep issues. If this sounds like you, try to meditate as often as possible in order to regain calm. And for those who prefer to pray -- pray! A prayer has a very high vibration when done with love, you can pray to whatever you believe in: God, your guides, mother nature, or the universe. The important thing is to act and give yourself strength and faith that you’re going to be fine. You should also talk to someone, someone you love and trust. A badly incarnated body is not at its full power to enjoy life. You may also experience fast changes to your emotions, faster manifestation of your thoughts, the feeling that time goes by so much faster than before, and vivid dreams. 

"Everyone on earth is in the process of cleaning up their KARMA, it’s like if we were all washing our dirty laundry at the same time." 

Reconnecting with our inner-child will help our body and mind. It will lighten us up and bring us a state of joy. We need to STOP taking everything so seriously. Many are feeling lonely, especially women, you need to keep strong, your unease is due to the purification of the sacred feminine, women have been martyred for far too long, in religion, in education, and in many cultures and countries. The sacred feminine is regaining its power. 

Our bodies need to purge in order to reconnect with intuition. To be whole we need both intuition and logic, the feminine and masculine principles. Having structure supports our intuition as it is possible to become delusional. We’ve been cut off from our heart intelligence for too long. All we have currently is this rational, logical, egoic mind which is the path of error, but gratefully we’re slowly returning to that path where people are listening to their inner voice. This process is also affecting men as they too are made of feminine energy. 

Today’s children are the key, they know things we have forgotten, they have a lot to teach us, they’re connected to a truth adults no longer perceive. Let them speak, they have messages we need to hear. 



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