"About 3 years ago, I decided to change my life and take a new direction. I needed to find my true purpose, to start living from within rather than simply fitting in. However, I didn’t know where to begin, so I decided to learn meditation - it seemed a good starting point. I needed to listen to my crying soul, as for far too long I’ve ignored the pain inside. Life had blessed me with a Buddhist centre just around the corner from my new home. As I went to the classes, I made a connection with someone who was looking for peace of mind and direction, just like me. That someone is now my friend and we do our best to catch up whenever possible. We talk about the nature of life, humanity and our fears - conversations that we should all have once in a while. She kindly agreed to contribute to my blog by writing about finding her true purpose and her experience with work, something we can all relate to."

Love, Life as we go along.

A year and a half ago, I was in a stressful job that I did not enjoy.  I had felt that way for some time but fear of the unknown prevented me from doing anything about it. Now a year and a half later, I am about to start a new career, having spent a year training and working with a group of wonderful and inspiring people. 

I have learnt a few things along the way, and I’d like to share three of the most important lessons I learnt here: 

Fear is okay - I stayed for too long in a situation that was making me unhappy because I was afraid to step out of it. I was unable to imagine myself in another reality. Eventually, I became so afraid that I would regret not making a change, that I took the leap.

In the intervening months, I have been in myriad uncertain and unfamiliar situations and have survived. I’ve met wonderful people and felt the excitement of learning again.   My fear of the unknown has not gone away, but I have accepted that it never will. Instead, I see now that we all have a tremendous capacity to live with uncertainty and – with time- to thrive with change. We are infinitely more resilient and capable that we think we are.

There is no such thing as a ‘meaningful job’ - I, like most people, spend a lot of time working. My work is a facet of my identity. I spent 7 years working for a private sector consultancy. I used to dream of finding a more ‘meaningful job’, where I could help people and make a difference in their lives. Over the past year and half, having worked in different sectors and organisations, I have realised that no job is more worthy than another. You can find meaning in absolutely any job you do.

Meaning does not come from the job. It comes from you. You can inspire people, do good, and make people’s lives better through the way you think and behave, every moment of each day. 

I have met people working in social sector organisations, who are, frankly, not interested in helping people – inside or outside of work. And I know investment bankers who are changing their world and our world with their compassion, love and energy. It is how we are that matters. 

Spend time with people that share your values - You probably do this anyway, as we tend to gravitate towards people we feel a connection with. However, if you are looking to make a change in your life, achieve a goal, or realise a dream, spend time with other people that share your dream. This is not the same as surrounding yourself with people who agree with everything you say. We always need people in our lives that challenge us to think differently. But inertia can be a powerful thing. 

When you are striving for something that requires tenacity and determination – be around more people who tell you all the reasons why you can do it, rather than all the reasons why you can’t. Push through the fear that you will naturally feel. Positive energy is contagious!

"I hope you’ve enjoyed this and many thanks to the glorious Life as we go along for posting – your energy is truly magnificent!" Close by sky -

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